Python Documentation


To use, first install it using pip:

.. (.venv) $ pip install git+

Getting Started provides both synchronous and asynchronous classes for interacting with the API. Additionally, it includes a utility function for generating RSA public and private keys.

Synchronous Usage

The Sync class is used for synchronous operations:

from import Sync

# Initialize the Sync client
sync_client = Sync(authorization="your-api-token")

# View an inbox
inbox = sync_client.view_inbox(alias="example_alias")

# Fetch a specific email's body
email = sync_client.fetch_email_body(alias="example_alias", email_id="email_id")

# Delete an email
success = sync_client.delete_email(alias="example_alias", email_id="email_id")
print("Deleted successfully:", success)

Also in the Sync class is our encrypted inbox support:

Asynchronous Usage

The Async class is used for asynchronous operations with aiohttp:

import asyncio
from import Async

async def main():
    # Initialize the Async client
    async_client = Async(authorization="your-api-token")

    # View an inbox
    inbox = await async_client.view_inbox(alias="example_alias")

    # Fetch a specific email's body
    email = await async_client.fetch_email_body(alias="example_alias", email_id="email_id")

    # Delete an email
    success = await async_client.delete_email(alias="example_alias", email_id="email_id")
    print("Deleted successfully:", success)

    # Close the session
    await async_client.close()

Generating RSA Keys

To get started with our encrypted inboxes generate your RSA keys, in our package we’ve made it easy to generate them. Use to easily generate RSA public and private keys in PEM format:

from import generate_keys

# Generate RSA keys
public_key, private_key = generate_keys()

print("Public Key:")

print("Private Key:")

Encrypted Inbox Support

Both Sync and Async classes provide methods for handling encrypted inboxes. Use the generated RSA keys to create or access encrypted inboxes.

from import Sync, generate_keys

# Generate byte strings of our private/public keys. We will use then later
public_key, private_key = generate_keys()

# Initialize the Sync client

# Optionally you can exclude the bytes private key and decrypt manually
# sync_client = Sync(authorization="your-api-token")
sync_client = Sync(authorization="your-api-token", private_key)

# Generate a alias in the format of regular expression r'^[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}$'
# EXAMPLES: A1B2-C3D4-E5F6, ABCD-1234-EFGH, 1234-5678-9012, 1234-ABCD-5678
alias = lambda: '-'.join(
   ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=4))
   for _ in range(3)

# Create our encrypted inbox. This will raise **InvalidParams** if alias is not in the right format
inbox = sync_client.create_encrypted_inbox(alias, public_key)

# View an inbox
# If the private_key was defined this will return a decrypted inbox otherwise will return the http server response json
inbox = sync_client.view_encrypted_inbox(alias=alias)

# Fetch a specific email
# If the private_key was defined this will return a decrypted inbox otherwise will return the http server response json
email = sync_client.fetch_email(alias=alias, email_id="email_id")

# Delete an email
success = sync_client.delete_email(alias=alias, email_id="email_id")
print("Deleted successfully:", success)

Error Handling

The library includes error handling for common HTTP response statuses. Errors include: - Forbidden: Raised when a 403 response is received. - NotFound: Raised when a 404 response is received. - InvalidParams: Raised when a 400 response is received. - FetchFail: Raised for server-side errors (500+ status codes). - HTTPException: Raised for all other HTTP errors.

from import Sync

    sync_client = Sync(authorization="your-api-token")
    inbox = sync_client.view_inbox(alias="example_alias")
except Forbidden:
    print("Access denied")
except NotFound:
    print("Inbox not found")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")